So the other day one of my friends links me his "King Slayer" achievement.
Having tried ICC and failing at 11/12, I had dedicated my self to a life of pvping and Alliance killing. Telling myself that raiding is not for me and that I should just forget about it.
But lets face it... right now ICC is sort of like WoW's last level, and the Lich King is Bowser. How could I be satisfied knowing that I have not rescued the princess?
Eventually I found a raid looking for DPS that day and before I knew it I was back in the frozen halls of ICC.
Sadly though this was also the day that my account was meant to be expiring. I had decided earlier to let it slip and then renew it after I had bought my self Cataclysm. But it was 3pm and my account wasn't going down till like 7:56pm or something, so I was happy thinking that when it does close, it will close with Omega being a King Slayer.
All went well in the raid, though we weren't the most organised group, there were a lot of jokes and wise-cracks going around, and everyone was having a lot of fun.
As incinerates flew and loot rolls passed, soon I was looking up the stairs at the
Lick King.
Here was... my hero.
Yes... I've been a massive Arthas fan since WC3. He is the epitome of the anti-hero to me. Just pure bad ass wrapped in cool.
So we all took out places, raid checks were done and soon the LK was engaged.
It was ten that I came to realise that
Holy fucken shit this is a hard fight!We must have wiped on the guy like 20 times man. Soon my account was about to expire and I even alt-tabed to renew it cause after being in there for 5 hours I wanted to kill this son of a bitch.
This fight was just so straight forward and incredibly precise that if anyone makes even the slightest mistake, it all goes to hell.
And it had gone to hell many times, but I can honestly say that was less due to players mucking up, and more down to just pure old fashioned bad luck.
Eventually we were at a point that the only thing messing us up were a combination of Valkyries and badly timed Defiles.
Just as we'd spread for a defile and try to reform, *bang* a healer gets picked and dropped cause he was too close to the ledge. These series of mishaps plagued us for the whole night and eventually we just decided to call it.
The cool thing was though that no one bitched about anything. Through all the wipes and what not... everyone was still jolly and making the most of each others company.
I even made a cool new friend.
I'm not gonna drop a name, but lets say I could tell he was a massive Voltron fan. Through out the night we just kept joking around and making fun of all that was happening around us. At one point we flipped to our "the patient" titles cause we realised we were in there for like 6 hours.
As the raid parted ways I was sad that I had come so close to the LK... but could not beat him.
The next day I logged on and started doing my dailys when my Voltron friend psts me, saying that the raid from last night had reformed, but because I wasn't on they had gotten another DPS.
I was kinda sad at this news, but after the frustrating 6 hours I had spent in there the previous night, I could live with it.
But then he psts me again and tells me that the new DPS left and that the raid leader was going to invite me.
So soon there I was again, staring at the Lich King.
As we all assembled the Raid leader drops a joke about how we should just get the first wipe out of the way and then mess up the LK in the 2nd attempt.
We lawled...
But when the first fight started we hammered the LK into phase two with farking ease. Soon we were all stepping defiles and farking up Valkyries with no problem. We beat the LK down to like 35% before a lack of handling of vile spirits messed us up.
But the raid was hard-out now to bring the LK down. Our dozens of failed attempts from the previous night has made us LK pros... and when the 2nd pull started... we fought like champions!
Phase one rushed into phase 2 ... and phase 2 gave way quickly to phase 3. We were jumping out of defiles like crazy and when the vile spirits hit... we just spread out and healed through it.
At 35% the off tank went down... then a rouge, but we hammered on.
"Just burn him!" cried out the raid warning.
Omegavondoom DPSed like he had never DPSed before. Numbers flew off the LK... big numbers that counted down to his doom. And then ... as the sweet promise of victory was at hand... we all dropped dead.
For a split second I forgot that it was part of the event... then Tirion Fordring did his thing and brought us all back to life.
The rest of the fight was basically a free kill as we beat down Arthas knowing Fordring had our backs. Soon the Lich King was finished and the event video started.
Now I had seen this video for the first time months ago, watching it now in context was pure awesome. I even called my girlfriend, screaming into her face "I'm a KING SLAYER!"
Sadly though when the video had ended, I was back in ICC with the rest of the raid gone. I also found out that I had missed out on the roll for this
epic staff. Apparently the others had skipped the video, rolled on the loot and split.
But my Voltron friend was there taking screen shots :D
He said I had pwnd on the DPS meters and then he linked me the recount for it, with me at the top. I didn't really care much for the loot anyway so it was cool.
"See ya online king slayer" said my Voltron friend.
"Right back at ya bud" said Omega as I logged off.