Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Riding Dirty

Ever since I laid my eyes on the Mechano-Hog I knew that my lock had to have it. Well over the weekend I finally got one, but it was no easy task.

Omegavondoom on his sweet Mechano Hog

Just the idea of riding a freaking motorcycle through WoW makes my imp hard. But the sad thing for me was that these hogs cost nothing less than a small fortune.

Omegavondoom has always had the money his needed, there was nothing that he needed to get that he could not afford. But these hogs were going for up to 15k gold on my server and there was no way Omega could ever make that kind of money.

I even went as far as begging real life friends for gold, but come on... who the heck is going to part with 15k gold?

Well last week I was going through the Auction house when I came across a Tiny Crimson Whelping selling for 6k gold.

Yes I know... that's farking ridiculous.

But this gave my little fiery heart a bit of a jolt... I was gonna farm me some whelps.

So I set out to the Wetlands and with in 10mins I had my first pet. This shocked the crap out of me because I was ready for a hard grind here. Soon I had found another whelp and with in an hour I had three :D

I then hearthed back to Dal and began spamming trade to sell these suckers off. When the first pst came in asking for a price I said 5k!I was immediately ridiculed for this, being told that there was no way these whelps would sell for 5k.

Stuff I put up with.

Despite this I put the whelps into the AH and waited anxiously.

There were a few more of these whelps in the AH going for about 6 to 7k. But after a night of waiting I could wait no longer for these things to sell.

I began spamming trade again when this one pally asked me if I had any Tiny Emerald Whelplings. I told him all I had were crimson ones and he said that was a shame cause he would have paid 5k for an emerald one.

That was all I needed to hear.

I immediately took off to the Swamp of Sorrows and began burning down Emerald Whelps. I took time before this to read about these little guys online, and found that these things had a very tiny drop rate, this was mainly due to the lack of mobs to farm em off of and the spawn time on the mobs after death.

So needless to say I went in there with a heavy heart.

But low and behold on my 10th whelp I nab my self a pet drop!

I could not believe my freaking luck. I shot off back to Dal and pst the guy who said he was interested in an emerald whelp and he was still keen on buying. So we met up, swapped goods and gold, and now i was 10k away from my hog.

With 5k down I decided to farm a few more Crimson whelps, and if I could get just two more of em, I could sell em all for 2k each and get my Hog.

What happened then was a good days worth of farming, but I eventually got my hands on a total of 5 crimson whelpsl.

This was followed by an afternoon of spamming in trade.

WTS [Tiny Crimson Whelp] 2k

This was then accompanied with a little bit of sweet talking but within the hour I had sold all the whelps and was sitting around with enough gold to grab me a hog.

So I checked out the AH and saw a whole lot of Hogs on auction for more than 15k. Some were even as high as 17k. But I got the name of one of the sellers and pst the guy, asking if he'd sell me one for 15k. He was more than happy to, and even ported out of ICC where he was raiding to give me my sweet ride.

Now Omegavondoom is complete.

Waiting on whelps at Swamp of Sorrows

After I got the ride I did try to farm a few more whelps, hoping to sell em and buy my Master Rider skill, but over the last three days I haven't gotten a single drop. I think I used up all my good karma on the hog.

But if anything deserves it, it is that hog.


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