Monday, November 22, 2010

The return and ICC

So I got back into wow last October after leaving in November last year, and it was interesting to see just how "casual friendly" the game has become.

I had all but given up on raiding when my lock was finding it hard to find a proper raiding guild to run along with. I had cleared out Naxx and such running with pugs, but when I tried to get into a guild that would guaranty me weekly runs, it just wasn't happening.

I had grinded heroics and the occasional VOA25 to get my lock his tier 9, but he was ultimatly just left all dressed-up with no where to go.

When I got back in November I decided to give raiding another chance, especially since I really wanted to check out ICC and throw a few immolates onto Arthas.

So I started spamming with something like: Destruction Lock LF Guild. New to ICC but am a fast learner.

I got a pst and soon I was the proud member of a ICC raiding guild. The only condition of my entry was that I be in full tier 10 by the end of the week. Me being the over achiever that I am, decided to have at it.

Hitting up 10 randoms (at the very least) a day, sure enough I was decked out my T10 by that Friday. Then the time came to hit up ICC.

I spent the day reading up on the fights and watching as many videos as I could... when the time came to "zone in" to ICC I was super excited.

The run went good too as the guild officers were on Vent and they were cool in that they explained all the fights to me. We one shot all the bosses
up to Sindragosa but sadly we suffered our first wipe of the night at the hands of her frost bombs. We then decided to finish the rest of the raid the next night. Since it was the big Lich King fight which followed this, I didn't mind not rushing into it.

Sadly though when I guzzled my beer the next night to head home in time for the raid, I found that it had been pushed to the following Monday.

So I spent the extra time watching carious videos across the net, detailing the Lich King fight.

When the night came... I was super ready for it.

As we engaged the Sindragosa fight though... I noticed that I was lagging a little bit. At some point I missed hiding behind an Ice Block by a little bit (not enough for me to get killed) and the guild leader went berserk.

"If you want to be in this guild you gotta pay farking attention!"

The fight went on and we managed to down the boss, so there was no mess-ups. But then I get this pst saying that I need to sit the Lick King fight out and that they're going to be replacing me.

Interesting enough I didn't bother asking why, and simply left... then I left the guild too.

It would not be for a another few weeks before Omega gets his 'King Slayer"


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